Jal mahal
According to a Persian inscription over the main entrance, it was built by Nawab Shah Quil Khan, who was the Governor of Narnaul for 52 long years. The entrance to the palace is in the north through a gatehouse, with rooms for guards constructed over a bridge resting on sixteen arched-spans. The palace consists of a square central chamber with four small chambers on the four corners. Four staircases, two each on the northern and southern faces, give access to the upper storeys. The roof of the central chamber is crowned by an octagonal cupola surrounded by a hemispherical dome balanced on four smaller cupolas placed over the corner chambers . The Jal Mahal was constructed during the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar in 1590-91 AD. The construction of the tank was completed in 1592-93 AD.
Narnaul, District-Mahendergarh
Situation -: Situated in Purani Mandi, Narnaul City
Under protection of -: Government of India
Period -: 1592-93 AD